For each profile recorded in the register, you are able to add file notes that are specific to that profile. The file note can relate to any matter. It may include an action point such as a task or to highlight any information requiring noting.
Administering file note entries is undertaken from the register in the 'Activity' column.
Add or View a File Note
Go to your risk register and in the Actions tab, click on the magnifying glass.
Once the magnifying glass is clicked on, a Case File Note will appear:
Edit and Save a File Note
AN 'EDIT' and 'SAVE' link is provided on the file note.
When you click on 'EDIT', a text box will open for the notes to be entered.
If the matter can now be completed, click 'CLOSE'.
If the action point is not yet concluded, click 'SAVE'.
Open and Closed File Notes
When a case note has been entered for an action to be completed, it will remain 'open'. The Activity indicator will show as filled 'red' circle, meaning the matter is 'open' and requires attention.
When an action point has been entered and is complete, the file note should be 'closed'. This will show the Activity as a filled 'green' circle.
A filled green circle means an action has been completed and the matter is now 'closed'.
Open = Red
Closed = Green
Deleting a File Note
When a matter is closed, it should not be deleted but left in the register to enable tracking of actions taken. However if there is a reason to delete the case note, select t the DELETE icon in the Activity column.