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Trial Account
Admin avatar
Written by Admin
Updated over 3 months ago

If your organisation has responsibility for supervising business entities, you can request a 2-week trial of AML360 SupTech.

Your organisation will be able to nominate up to 5 persons who can partake in the trial.


Enter the email and password sent to you for the AML SupTech trial.

Module Access

When logged in, the menu bar will display at the top of the screen.

Your trial activates the Profiling Register and the Case Register.

#1. Profiling Register - Overview

The Profiling Register can maintain an unlimited number of profiling modules that may include sector risk assessments, entity enterprise-wide risk assessments, thematic reviews, reporting to committees or Board members.

The Profiling Register enables a variety of permissions to be assigned which assists with the individual workflows of individual business units within the supervisory organisation.

Setting permission levels assists Heads of Departments to have capability of viewing profile reports across their Department, whilst limiting Business Units to only access data relevant to their Unit.

You can find out more about the features of the Profiling Register by Clicking Here.


Click on the Profiling Module which is the 'gear' icon in the top Menu Bar.


After clicking on the Profiling Module, a dropdown list will appear on the right side of the screen. The sample module is shown as "Singapore".

Option 1.

The first option in the list is referred to as "Admin". This option will process through the development of an enterprise-wide risk assessment.

Option 2.

The second option in the list is referred to as "Report - Admin". This option will take you to the Reports Register from where you can view risk reports from individual reporting entities.


#2. Case Management - Overview

The Case Register settings for the SupTech Trial are set to "View" permission. This permission does not enable editing.

A separate Case Register can be used for individual Departments for managing and tracking their statutory objectives.

The Case Register can be used for internal reporting, monitoring of industry sectors, or for combined purposes.

You can find out more about the features of Case Management by Clicking Here.

The Case Register settings for the SupTech Trial are set to "View" permission. This permission does not enable editing.

A separate Case Register can be used for individual Departments for managing and tracking their statutory objectives.

The Case Register can be used for internal reporting, monitoring of industry sectors, or for combined purposes.

You can find out more about the features of Case Management by Clicking Here.

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